Monday, 4 May 2009

Is the need for Six Sigma professionals dying out?

Is the need for Six Sigma professionals dying out? As a specialist time served (5+ years) Six Sigma recruiter I would certainly say over the last 12 – 24 months I have seen a dramatic decrease in the amount of companies looking to hire permanent & contracted Six Sigma resource. This is not to say that process improvement professionals are not still in demand! Lean Sigma has long been tagged on the market for logical progression for any strictly DMAIC black belts, it seems that view has filtered down to many companies not only with well established BPI programs but green field sites at the beginning of there CI journey. If we look to offers from management consultancies these days there are plenty or ‘FRESH’ sells on the market to be gobbled up for businesses hungry for process excellence. Its no surprise ‘Lean Sigma’ is the new ‘Six Sigma’. So we don’t see as many assignments for strictly DMAIC BB’s but BB’s with a good lean grounding do now seem to be much more valued.
Lean Six Sigma recruitment and jobs in lean six sigma seem the flavor of the month.

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